‘Blackmailing The Wrong Number’: Hunter Biden’s Explanation Of ‘Sitting Here With My Father’ Text Defies Logic

Members of the House Oversight Committee deposed embattled First Son Hunter Biden on Wednesday, and according to subsequent reports, some of the answers provided by the younger Biden raised even more questions.

One topic of interest was a WhatsApp text message — allegedly sent by Hunter Biden to Chinese business partner Henry Zhao on July 30, 2017: “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

According to Axios Congressional reporter Stephen Neukam, Hunter Biden’s explanation to the committee regarding that message was as follows: “Per source with direct knowledge, Hunter Biden said today that he was high or drunk when he sent the ‘sitting here with my father’ WhatsApp message, sent it to the wrong recipient, and is now embarrassed by the message. He confirmed that his dad was not sitting next to him.”

Per source with direct knowledge, Hunter Biden said today that he was high or drunk when he sent the ‘sitting here with my father’ WhatsApp message, sent it to the wrong recipient, and is now embarrassed by the message. He confirmed that his dad was not sitting next to him. https://t.co/QdwdO2HlEZ

— Stephen Neukam (@stephen_neukam) February 28, 2024

But critics quickly pointed to other evidence, arguing that Hunter Biden’s explanation did not exactly line up.

“No doubt Hunter *claimed* this, but there are a few problems. He was photographed at his dad’s house the day he sent the texts. He exchanged multiple texts w/ the Chinese recipient, suggesting it was no accident,” The Washington Free Beacon’s Chuck Ross said.

No doubt Hunter *claimed* this, but there are a few problems. He was photographed at his dad’s house the day he sent the texts. He exchanged multiple texts w/ the Chinese recipient, suggesting it was no accident https://t.co/DIWGXWD8R6

— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) February 28, 2024

“Hunter Biden threatened ‘the wrong recipient’ and they still sent him $5M+ a few days later? wow — what a lucky break!” Brian Anderson added.

Hunter Biden threatened “the wrong recipient” and they still sent him $5M+ a few days later ?

wow – what a lucky break!https://t.co/3y8FouBCE8 pic.twitter.com/nXKAuIqbao

— Brian Anderson (@AZBrianAnderson) February 28, 2024

“That sure is odd. Because just three days after the text ‘was sent to wrong recipient,’ on August 2nd, 2017, a new company named Hudson West III was officially formed. CEFC affiliates injected $5,000,000 in capital to the new company,” Jeff Carlson posted to X. “Meanwhile, Hunter contributed no capital to the new venture although he owned 50 percent of the newly established company. The operating agreement of Hudson III stipulated that Hunter would receive a $500,000 retainer and $100,000 per month. James Biden received $65,000 per month. This newly formed entity also made large credit card payments for items purchased by the Biden Family. The total payments made to Hunter’s personal company totaled $4.8 million in just over one year. In addition to the $65,000 per month paid to James Biden, payments also flowed to Lion Hall Group, a company James owned.”

That sure is odd. Because just three days after the text “was sent to wrong recipient”, on August 2nd, 2017, a new company named Hudson West III was officially formed.

CEFC affiliates injected $5,000,000 in capital to the new company. Meanwhile, Hunter contributed no capital to… https://t.co/q49vxo2Rcs

— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) February 28, 2024

“I’m so embarrassed officer. I was blackmailing the wrong number. Can you believe it?” @capeandcowell posted.

I’m so embarrassed officer. I was blackmailing the wrong number. Can you believe it?

— The Dank Knight 🦇 (@capeandcowell) February 28, 2024
