More DEI/Medical School Garbage. This Time It’s UCLA.

Earlier this week, we reported on diversity, equity, and inclusion over at Duke University School of Medicine — surgical teams that are being infused with DEI principles, medical schools that are teaching wokeness as opposed to actual medicine.

We asked listeners to send us tips regarding the inculcation of DEI into medical schools, and the organization DoNoHarm showed us the following: Internal emails from UCLA’s medical school, which is one of the best in the country, show a mandatory class called “Structural Racism and Health Equity” instructed UCLA medical students to read about wars of indigenous resistance in which Native Americans killed thousands of white people so the students could imagine what liberation could look like.

1/ BREAKING: We’ve obtained internal emails from UCLA’s medical school — supposedly one of the best in the country. If you want to understand how DEI and anti-white, anti-American hatred have been mainlined into the medical profession, you need to see this.🧵

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) March 1, 2024

This is legitimately what is being taught at medical schools like UCLA. You have to be inculcated into the cult of wokeness in order to actually achieve that which you seek to achieve, which, of course, is the DEI principle. Meanwhile, students are also taught about “Blackness and Indigeneity” and “how we can imagine a world in the aftermath of settler colonialism and white supremacy.”

Students are also told that for further recommended reading, they should read an article titled “Decolonization Is Not a Metaphor.” When people say “decolonization is not a metaphor,” what they mean is that they are excusing actual violence. “Imagine a world in the aftermath of settler colonialism and white supremacy” means eviscerating all of the social structures because what the Left means when they say “settler colonialism” is literally anything the West has done. And when they say “white supremacy,” they don’t mean white people believing they are superior to black people; they mean all the structures of society are inherently racist.

The emails from this first-year class over at UCLA’s School of Medicine also reveal that students are encouraged to listen to a podcast titled “Indigenae,” which covers an array of unscientific garbage, including people who identify as “two-spirit” and “womxn.” You can’t say “women” because the word includes “men.” Thus, they say “womxn,” which is not even pronounceable.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

So what exactly makes this class not just recommended but mandatory class work from students? How exactly does this mean these are going to be better medical professionals?

The answer is, it doesn’t. It inculcates into them a set of values. And that set of values is then supposed to be carried forward into the practice of medicine.

You’re supposed to value certain patients more highly than others. You’re supposed to treat your patients differently based on race, because, after all, you’re fighting white supremacy and settler colonialism.

These materials aren’t just irrelevant. They’re actually dangerous. The only thing you should be taught in medical school is how to do medicine. You should not be taught about why various types of intersectional populations are more valuable than others, because it turns out that the health recommendation for diabetes should be the same across the board.

Medical practice should not depend on the “history of structural racism.” You shouldn’t have to pull your punches because you’re afraid of offending somebody when the proper medical diagnosis of an issue requires that diagnosis.

The only way to actually stop all of this is, of course, to expose it.
