Nikki Haley Says She’s No Longer Bound To Honor Pledge To Support Trump If He Wins GOP Nomination

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley suggested on Sunday that she may no longer honor the Republican National Committee pledge that she signed last year to support the eventual GOP presidential nominee because she believes the RNC is becoming too close to former President Donald Trump.

Haley, who has yet to come close to beating Trump in any of the GOP primary and caucuses thus far, made the remarks during a Sunday interview on NBC News’s “Meet The Press” with Kristen Welker.

“You did sign a pledge, an RNC pledge to support the eventual nominee,” Welker said. “Do you still feel bound by that pledge?”

“I have always said that I have serious concerns about Donald Trump,” Haley responded. “I have even more concerns about Joe Biden.”

Welker pressed Haley again, “So, is that a no? Are you bound by the RNC pledge?”

“The RNC pledge – I mean, at the time of the debate, we had to take it to where, ‘Would you support the nominee,’ and in order to get on that debate stage, you said yes,” Haley responded. “The RNC is now not the same RNC. Now, it’s Trump’s daughter-in-law.”

Welker again pressed Haley: “So, you’re no longer bound by that pledge?”


“No, I think I’ll make what decision I want to make,” Haley responded. “But that’s not something I’m thinking about. And I think that while you all think about that, I’m looking at the fact that we had thousands of people in Virginia. We’re headed to North Carolina. We’re going to continue to go to Vermont and Maine and all these states to go and show people that there is a path forward. And so, I don’t look at what ifs. I look at, ‘How do we continue the conversation?’”


WATCH: @NikkiHaley says she doesn’t feel bound by the RNC pledge — which she took to get on the debate stage — to support the eventual Republican nominee.

“I think I’ll make what decision I want to make.”

— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) March 3, 2024
