Texas Politician Tied To Colony Ridge Ousted By Voters In Primary

One of the Texas politicians most closely tied to Colony Ridge, a controversial development that’s become a magnet for illegal immigrants, lost his reelection bid on Tuesday night to a Republican primary election challenger.

State Representative Ernest Bailes, a Republican who represents a district northeast of Houston that encompasses Colony Ridge, was ousted in a primary election after months of public criticism for his involvement with the controversial development. Colony Ridge, which has grown to be roughly the size of Washington, D.C. largely due to an influx of immigrants, became a national scandal in the wake of a Daily Wire investigation.

In the final weeks of the campaign, Bailes ran ads saying the attempt to connect him to Colony Ridge was a political ploy, and that he had actually worked to combat the problems caused by the development. Ultimately, it wasn’t enough. Bailes garnered just over 4,000 votes, while primary contender Janis Holt, who enjoyed endorsements from former President Trump and Texas Governor Greg Abbott, won with over 5,100 votes.


Pro-Bailes on Colony Ridge pic.twitter.com/qaht6rxSJo

— Brad Johnson (@bradj_TX) February 29, 2024

The incumbent struggled to repair his image after becoming publicly associated with Colony Ridge, which uses marketing and financial tactics to appeal to illegal immigrants. Bailes authored a piece of legislation that gave Colony Ridge the power to tax residents and, in the words of Attorney General Ken Paxton, “act virtually as its own city.” Paxton also specifically charged that the development was “enabling illegal alien settlement across Texas” in a letter blasting Bailes.

Bailes received a $1,800 donation from the developer behind Colony Ridge, The Daily Wire reported in September.

A Daily Wire investigation also revealed that Colony Ridge hired a concrete company owned by a man who appears to be Bailes’ cousin and who was his largest donor in the 2020 election cycle. Bailes also received $6,500 from the political action committee associated with the lobbying firm that Colony Ridge employs.

The Daily Wire later uncovered that Colony Ridge used the special legal designation established by Bailes to award at least $16 million in taxpayer funds to a paving company with ties to the developer and board leadership, with no recorded conflict of interest disclosures.

Colony Ridge is now facing multiple federal investigations, including a joint suit between the Department of Justice and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau over predatory lending practices.

Bailes became more vocal about Colony Ridge in the lead-up to the Republican primary, dropping not only the campaign ad about the development, but also alleging that the developer’s “$50,000 contribution to Governor Abbott … bought him a sit down lunch in the Governor’s Mansion with Governor Abbott and his Chief of Staff.”

“This same $50,000 bought the Governor’s signature and blessing for the Opportunity Zone designation,” Bailes went on to accuse, specifying that the designation served to make Colony Ridge “eligible for increased federal funding to promote the growth of said development.” The donation came after Bailes declined the developer’s request that he sign a letter supporting the Opportunity Zone designation, Bailes claimed.

The primary challenger to Bailes has slammed him for his opposition to school choice legislation. Holt is now the GOP nominee in the overwhelmingly Republican district, and will be up for election in November.
