CNN’s Van Jones: If Trump Is Elected, You’ll See ‘Russian Tanks Rolling Through Europe’

In the wake of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley announcing she was withdrawing from the GOP presidential race, leaving former President Donald Trump as the presumptive nominee for 2024, CNN Commentator Van Jones said on Wednesday that President Joe Biden could pick up Haley’s supporters and donors by telling them that if they turned to Trump, a year from now they would see “Russian tanks rolling through Europe.”

Jones was conducting a back and forth with CNN correspondent Jim Acosta, who prompted him to speak of Haley’s withdrawal.

“From my heart, I tell you, this is a heartbreaking moment, and not just for people in the United States,” Jones opined. “If you’re a Ukrainian soldier, looking at a wall of Russians coming at you, and having to ration your bullets, today is a bad day because one of the great champions of the United States being strong for our allies, strong for democracy, just went down in defeat today. And you feel more alone and more afraid of the future. If you’re in Poland, if you’re in Europe, and you’re looking at a wall of Russians coming for you, and saying, where’s the United States? Today is not a good day.”

“This is a bad day for democracy,” he said. “Not just in the United States, but around the world.”

“What does President Biden need to do at this point to earn those Nikki Haley supporters, bring them into the fold?” Acosta asked. “We saw the Biden campaign putting out a statement from President Biden almost immediately after Nikki Haley walked off that stage in South Carolina. What do you think?”


“I think he needs to talk to her donors and her supporters and say, if you want to, a year from now, watch Russian tanks rolling through Europe, then, you know, endorse Donald Trump and get on that bandwagon,” Jones declared. “But understand, you’re going to wake up one morning and you’re going to see horror across Europe and you’re going to have American soldiers, sailors having to go over there and do something that we could have done with dollars, we have to do with blood.”

In 2014, during the tenure of former President Barack Obama, Russia invaded the Crimean Peninsula, which was part of Ukraine, then annexed it. In February 2022, one year into Joe Biden’s presidency, Russia invaded Ukraine.
