EXCLUSIVE: Federal Contractor Paid Billions By Pentagon Set To Host Robin DiAngelo, Hold ‘White Fragility’ Book Club

A federal contractor that’s received over five billion taxpayer dollars since President Joe Biden took office in 2021 is hosting Critical Race Theorist Robin DiAngelo as a keynote speaker and sponsoring book clubs on her prominent books on anti-racism, an internal company memo obtained by The Daily Wire reveals.

The Mitre Corporation, a not-for-profit organization that’s received over three thousand government contracts from federal agencies and helped embed the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda in the federal bureaucracy, announced in an internal memo that DiAngle will be a keynote speaker at the company’s “Week of Belonging” celebration, which begins on April 22.

“We are thrilled to announce our opening keynote speaker, Robin DiAngelo Ph.D, affiliate associate professor of education at the University of Washington and author of ‘White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism’ and ‘Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm,’” the leaked memo from the Mitre Corporation to employees reads. “She will join us in a fireside chat to discuss the skills needed to be effective stewards and overcome challenges to creating the impact we want to see.”

Mitre’s upcoming event with DiAngelo comes as the Biden administration has embedded leftwing ideologies, such as the diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda, in the federal bureaucracy in an attempt to leverage the agencies of the executive branch to push progressive beliefs. The Mitre Corporation has been involved in pushing the DEI agenda in the federal government since Biden took office, with the organization set to receive nearly $13 million from federal contracts pertaining to DEI and “health equity” just under the Biden administration.

DiAngelo’s keynote speech will take place at Mitre’s third annual “Week of Belonging,” which will discuss “sustainable solutions within the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) model. The Mitre Corporation specifically praised DiAngelo in its memo for coining the term “white fragility” in an article that “influenced the international dialogue on race” before encouraging employees to start a company-sponsored book club revolving around the Critical Race Theorist’s work.

“In honor of DiAngelo’s keynote engagement, MITRE’s [inclusion and diversity] team will sponsor 10 book clubs across the organization, reading either White Fragility or Nice Racism,” the leaked memo to employees states, adding that book club hosts “will receive five labor hours to host the book club.”

Mitre did not respond to a request for comment from The Daily Wire.

The company has received billions of taxpayer dollars from the federal government, acting as a federally funded research and development center for the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, and four other federal agencies. It received over $700 million from the Department of Defense in fiscal year 2023 alone, making up 40% of its total awards over the year.

DiAngelo, one of the country’s most prominent Critical Race Theorists, has come under heavy criticism over her claims that American society is systemically racist and that white people are innately racist. “Racism is the foundation of Western society,” DiAngelo’s website proclaims, while her book “White Fragility” alleges that “anti-blackness is foundational to our very identities as white people.”

The federal contractor’s embrace of Critical Race Theory mirrors developments within the federal agencies, with the bureaucracy routinely institutionalizing the doctrines of DEI. The National Security Agency (NSA) even cited Robin DiAngelo in a leaked “DEI Glossary” obtained by The Daily Wire, that included terms like “white fragility,” “settler colonialism,” and even the pronouns “ze” and “zir.”

The Department of Defense, a main funder of Mitre, requested a whopping $144 million taxpayer dollars for their DEI agenda last year, a Daily Wire investigation found, despite the agency already spending over $150 million for DEI in the previous two years.

The Internal Revenue Service also adopted the DEI agenda and administered a training that included material from a radical transgender academic who called for the “death of whiteness.” The Department of Health and Human Services and the National Science Foundation have both been leveraged to push far-left ideology on gender, with the agencies bankrolling transgender “inclusive” sex education for 14-year olds and studies that deny there are only two genders.

While the Biden administration has embedded Critical Race Theory and gender ideology into the federal bureaucracy, former Trump administration officials have advocated for plans to gut the administrative state under the next administration, which could include shutting down DEI offices across federal agencies.
