Biden Is Dependent On The Crazies In His Party

The Michigan primaries were Tuesday night. The big story is that President Biden, an incumbent president, only won 80% of the vote. A huge number of people in Michigan voted uncommitted.

That was a concerted attempt by crazies in the Democratic Party in Michigan — particularly crazies who support Hamas, many of them in Dearborn, Michigan — who decided they were going to show Biden that unless he swivels his support from Israel to Hamas, he will lose Michigan to Donald Trump.

This raises a serious question: Why is Joe Biden so dependent on the crazies in his own party?

After all, Biden came into office running against the crazies in his own party. You’ll recall, if you go all the way back to the 2020 primaries, that he was running against a crazy person: Bernie Sanders, a nutjob old socialist. Biden was running as the moderate. It was only because Jim Clyburn in South Carolina endorsed Biden and the entire Democratic Party unified to stop Sanders, the crazy guy, that Biden ended up winning the nomination and then defeating Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

And then Biden made a signal error. He decided that he was going to be LBJ. He was going to be FDR — not a placeholder for the next generation of Democrats, but a transformative president.

And if you’re on the Left, being a transformative president means spending more money than God or man has ever seen. If you’re on the Left, being a transformative president means embracing all of the most woke versions of politics, ranging from diversity, equity, and inclusion to trans politics. You have to embrace the most radical possible position and drag the American public along with you. 

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It also means the same on the foreign policy front.

The realities of foreign policy exist for every president, which is why virtually every president talks one way when they’re on the campaign trail and then they get in office and realize the way the world actually works — and they swivel in how they govern.

George W. Bush came into office pledging to be an isolationist, and then September 11 happened. Barack Obama came into office pledging to be an isolationist, and then he involved us in a bunch of Middle Eastern conflicts. Donald Trump came into office pledging to be an isolationist, and then he brokered the Abraham Accords and some pretty harsh stances against Russia and China.

Biden came into office pledging to get out of Afghanistan and make America less involved in the world. And now there are two major ongoing wars in the world, both of which the United States has indirect-direct involvement.

In other words, Biden never really had the opportunity to be full-on Left-wing when it came to foreign policy because being the president of the United States forestalled that. His one attempt at doing that, which was the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan, cratered his presidency. His approval ratings throughout his presidency dramatically sank in the aftermath of the Afghanistan pullout — and they have never recovered. They have remained in the low forties ever since.

All of which means that if Biden had come into office and then governed as he pledged he was going to govern — as a Left-wing moderate, a liberal moderate, somebody who sought consensus, somebody who was just going to restore a sense of normalcy and moderation to American politics — he would not now be in the dire straits that he is.

Moderates have fallen off the bandwagon. Independents are now looking at Trump. By the polling data, a plurality of independents favor Trump over Biden right now, which is why Trump is up in the polling against Biden.

How Biden loses independents to Trump is an amazing story because independents are very off put by Trump on a personal level. They voted against him in 2020. Late-breaking independent voters in 2016 voted 2 to 1 for Trump; in 2020, late-breaking independent voters voted 2 to 1 for Biden, but now they’re shifting back to Trump.

There’s only one reason for that: Joe Biden allowed his ambitions — to be a historic president that they would make statues of — to overcome his good political sense.

He didn’t want to be a Clintonian third-way president. He wanted to be like Barack Obama. He wanted to be somebody who people thought of for generations to come as a transformative president in American history.

And because of that, he’s now alienated the actual base he once held. And that base is now looking much more seriously at President Trump — which means Biden is in thrall to the crazies. And that is the story of what happened in Michigan on Tuesday night.

That is why Biden is constantly embracing crazy, unpopular positions. When it comes to the Israel-Hamas conflict, the American people are broadly supportive of Israel. The latest Harvard/Harris poll shows that 82% of Americans say they support Israel more than Hamas; 68% of Americans say that Israel is trying to avoid civilian casualties in fighting its war with Hamas. In other words, there’s pretty heavy support for Israel. America remains a very pro-Israel country, but not inside the crazy wing of the Democratic Party.

And that’s the part of his party Biden has made himself totally dependent upon.

Biden does have another strategy available to him: He could navigate away from the crazies. He could take a moderate position on everything from the border to abortion, from spending to Israel. He could take the moderate mainstream position, the 80% position.

But we have moved out of the realm of normal politics in this country. It used to be that the best way to win an election was to take a bunch of positions that 80% of Americans favored.

Instead, we have now decided to abandon those in favor of 43% propositions and then hope there are enough people in that 43% who are going to vote to outweigh the people on the other side who presumably are unenthusiastic or not going to vote.


Biden abandoned what got him to office in the first place and now he’s in serious trouble, which means he’s putting pressure on Israel in the middle of a war against a terrorist enemy. Israel has now reduced Hamas’ serious control over the Gaza Strip to the city of Rafah. It is in the south of the Gaza Strip. Everyone knows it is the final climactic battle in the Gaza Strip.

And what is Biden doing as Israel is prepared to go in and kill Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, the mastermind of the October 7 attacks?

He’s effectively telling Israel to back off. According to Axios, “The Biden administration gave Israel until mid-March to sign a letter provided by the U.S. on Tuesday, that gives assurances it will abide by international law while using U.S. weapons and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, three U.S. and Israeli officials told Axios. The assurances are now a requirement under a memorandum issued earlier this month by President Biden.”

Here is the problem with that idiotic notion. International law is a chimera. It is a lie. International law is largely designed by people who do not abide by it under any circumstances and only apply it to people they seek to hamstring. International law, in other words, is a joke.

The Wilsonian notion that there is some sort of great Congress of powers that gets together and decides the morality of the world and then international law applies is silliness. It has always been silliness. But that’s what Joe Biden is now pushing because he wants the votes in Michigan.
