‘Goosebumps’: British MP Blasts Great Britain For Ignoring Internal Islamist Threat

On Thursday, Andrew Percy, a member of the British Parliament, gave an impassioned speech about the intimidation of Britons by supporters of radical Islam and anti-Israel activists “demanding jihad” in the streets.

The day before, anti-Israel demonstrators projected images onto the building that houses the British Parliament, including the genocidal call, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Last night, Hamas’s genocidal chant was projected onto the Houses of Parliament: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” How can Parliamentarians debate important issues without fear or favour when this sort of aggression is tolerated?

— Bella Wallersteiner 🇺🇦 (@BellaWallerstei) February 22, 2024

“I was in Israel last week meeting with friends and survivors and hostage families, and I actually felt safer in Israel than I do in this country at this moment in time,” Percy, who is Jewish, declared, then referred to the previous day’s debate over resolutions calling for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. “I have two reflections on that visit and what happened yesterday. First of all, nobody in this House has any business, agency, at all telling the state of Israel where it is able to operate to seek to rescue hostages who are being raped by Islamic terrorists who hold them. Nobody has any business.”

“Secondly, if we have a rerun of the debate we had yesterday, we will have exactly the same thing happen again, which is that members will not vote with their hearts because they are frightened and they are scared,” Percy continued. “And what do we expect? For months, I’ve been standing up here talking about the people in our streets demanding death to Jews, demanding jihad, demanding intifada, as the police stand by and allow that to happen. Last night a genocidal call, ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,’ was projected onto this building. That message says no Jew is welcome in the state of Israel or in that land.”

“This is going to continue happening because we’re not dealing with it,” Percy stated. “So if we have a rerun of this, can the leader explain to me what will be any different, and how will members vote with their hearts and their consciences? Because too many will not at the moment, because of the threats we’re receiving. Threats telling us to leave this country in some of our cases, and telling us that they want us and our families to be subjected to pain and to death.”

Goosebumps: Incredibly powerful speech from Jewish MP Andrew Percy. Must watch. pic.twitter.com/S8v3eHSfrH

— Calgie (@christiancalgie) February 22, 2024

“Andrew Percy is spot on,” Baroness Jacqueline Foster, a former Member of the European Parliament wrote. “Many of us have been called for a halt to these anti Israel antisemitic hate protests for nearly 4 months… and have been totally ignored by the @metpoliceuk @MayorofLondon et al! This is what appeasement looks like… It’s an absolute disgrace and needs to stop now … So get a grip @10DowningStreet and stop it!”

Andrew Percy is spot on .. Many of us have been called for a halt to these anti Israel 🇮🇱 antisemitic hate protests for nearly 4 months. .. and have been totally ignored by the @metpoliceuk @MayorofLondon et al ! This is what appeasement looks like .. It’s an absolute disgrace…

— Baroness Foster DBE #FreeTheHostages🇮🇱❤️ (@jfoster2019) February 22, 2024

It seems that British MPs are finally waking up. Now that the Islamist threat is coming at them: pic.twitter.com/zBLoDUs5YF

— Douglas Murray (@DouglasKMurray) February 22, 2024

In early February, British MP Mike Freer, who represented a largely Jewish area of London since 2010, stepped down after receiving death threats for his support of Israel.
