Hamas Praises Far-Left Extremist Who Torched Himself While Screaming ‘Free Palestine’

The Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist group praised a far-left extremist who lit himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, and used his death to promote Islamic terrorist propaganda.

Aaron Bushnell, a low-level software engineer in the U.S. Air Force, screamed “Free Palestine!” as flames engulfed his body after he doused himself with a flammable liquid and lit himself on fire. He later died from his injuries.

Bushnell repeated terrorist propaganda in the moments leading up to the incident, falsely claiming that what was happening inside Gaza was a “genocide” and calling Israel “colonizers.”

Hamas said in a statement that they expressed their “deepest condolences and our full solidarity with the family and friends” of Bushnell, “whose name has been immortalized as a defender of human values ​​and the oppression of the Palestinian people who are suffering because of the American administration and its unjust policies.”

The terrorist group claimed that President Joe Biden was responsible for Bushnell’s death, called Israel a “Nazi Zionist entity” and falsely accused Israel of waging a “war of extermination against our Palestinian people”.

The statement concluded by calling Bushnell’s actions “heroic” and said that Israel’s leaders were “Nazis.”

In his suicide note, Bushnell included his gender pronouns.

A Facebook account that Heavy.com said belonged to him showed that he liked a chapter of “Students for Justice in Palestine”, a far-left extremist group that plotted a “Day of Resistance” in support of Hamas after Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attack against Israel where 1,200 people were murdered, 5,300+ were injured, hundreds were kidnapped, and numerous women and children were raped.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ordered colleges in his state to deactivate their chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) because they allegedly broke Florida laws about supporting terrorism.

Related: Ivy League School Shuts Down Anti-Semitic Palestinian Student Groups
