Hunter Biden Trial On Gun Charges Set To Start 17 Days Prior To Tax Trial

President Joe Biden’s embattled son Hunter Biden is set to go on trial on three felony gun charges on June 3 — just 17 days prior to the start of his already-scheduled trial for nine tax charges in California.

Delaware U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika ruled on Wednesday that the trial could start on June 3 despite the proximity of the dates, CNN reported, and both trials were scheduled in the aftermath of a failed plea agreement — which was initially supposed to include both the tax charges and the gun charges.

In Delaware, the younger Biden faces three gun-related charges, including unlawfully purchasing a revolver while using illicit drugs, allegedly lying on federal forms about his drug use when he bought the weapon. Prosecutors say that Biden owned the firearm in question — a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver that he purchased in October of 2018 — for approximately 11 days.

Biden’s attorneys have filed a number of motions claiming that the plea agreement — which fell apart last summer — is still valid and covers the gun charges. Judge Noreika said during Wednesday’s status hearing that she has been “working through the motions,” adding, “I haven’t completely figured out what I’m going to do with all of them.”


According to CNN’s report, both parties believe the gun trial could wrap up in under a week — with the prosecution taking several days and the defense another two days.

Biden’s second trial is scheduled to begin on June 20, and covers nine tax-related charges amounting to what CNN referred to as “an alleged conspiracy across several years to avoid paying over $1 million in taxes.”

The charges in both cases were brought by Special Counsel David Weiss, who was appointed in August of 2023 by Attorney General Merrick Garland, and charged with overseeing the investigation into Hunter Biden.
