Jeremy’s Chocolate Celebrates 1 Year Of Saying ‘No’ To Woke Candy Companies

There is untold power in saying the word “No.”

“No” can seem awfully negative, but upon close examination, there are so many things that deserve a firm denial. When your kids ask if they can ride bikes without a helmet. When your kids ask if men can turn into women. Oh yeah, and when your favorite candy company decides to embrace radical Left-wing gender theory.

That’s when a “no” can start a whole damn revolution.

Jeremy’s Chocolate is celebrating its first anniversary of creating a place where consumers can say “no thank you” to mindlessly continuing to purchase products from companies who openly despise a significant portion of their customer base. 


Before Jeremy’s came along, those candy lovers were faced with a choice: buy the merch and ignore the messaging, or go without. Now they have a choice. Woke chocolate, or woke-free?

It all started in early March 2023 when Hershey’s, one of the best-known chocolate manufacturers in the world, included a man who identifies as a woman as part of its International Women’s Day promotion. Activist Fae Johnstone was one of five people featured in the Hershey’s SHE campaign, which purported to “shine a light on the women and girls who inspire us every day.”

The hashtag #BoycottHersheys quickly started trending on Twitter. And maybe that would have worked for a little while, but everyone knows that chocolate is delicious and absolutely essential for s’mores making. What was a well-informed conservative who enjoys sweets to do? 

The answer came with an announcement: the same creative minds who disrupted the shaving industry with Jeremy’s Razors were getting into the chocolate game. Immediately.

“Fine, I’ll do it,” Daily Wire co-CEO Jeremy Boreing tweeted just one day after the Hershey’s campaign caused an international meltdown. “Introducing Jeremy’s Chocolate. Yes, it’s real. We have two kinds: HeHim and SheHer. One of them has nuts. If you need me to tell you which one, keep buying Hershey’s. But if you know what a woman is and love chocolate, go to:”

Could they really pull it off? Could creating alternatives for conservatives really translate into sales? The answers are simple: Yes and yes.

Within one week, Jeremy’s Chocolate sold more than half a million candy bars. 

The people spoke loudly with their wallets and made it clear that they were fed up with forking over hard-earned money only to have their values mocked and fundamental reality ignored. Hershey’s could keep their trans activists and their bizarre marketing campaigns because with Jeremy’s, chocolate came with nuts and without. Period, end of story.

“The people asked and we answered,” Boreing said after the amazing success of the launch. “Thanks to Jeremy’s Chocolate, you can stop eating chocolate that hates you. Harry’s Razors hates you; Disney hates you; and now Hershey’s hates you. As long as corporations and institutions across America continue to alienate half the country, The Daily Wire will continue building alternatives. Stop giving your money to woke chocolate companies that hate you.”

It was a beautiful lesson in the power of a well-timed “no.” 

That chocolate brand launch led to many other sweet moments in the year-long legacy of winning the confectionary game. Shortly after the full-sized bars became sales superstars, Jeremy’s Chocolate introduced a new micro-aggression-sized option perfect for sharing. 

This development was due in part to college professor David Richardson being suspended from Madera Community College in May 2023 after he laid out a table of snacks for students which included a selection of Jeremy’s Chocolate bars. Students flocked to the candy and Richardson was rewarded for his good taste by being tattled on by a trans-identifying colleague. 

But in a stunning development, especially in a state like California, Richardson was “fully exonerated” of any wrongdoing after being suspended for making the candy brand available to students. It was yet another win for Jeremy’s Chocolate and free-thinkers across the country. 

One year. It’s been a year of saying “hell no” to woke chocolate. And if conservatives keep declining woke razors, woke soap, woke movies, propaganda-laden kids content, and the rest of it, just imagine how much the world will change. 

Pretty sweet, right?
