John Oliver Accused Of Offering ‘Bribe’ To Clarence Thomas To Leave Supreme Court

HBO late-night talk show host John Oliver offered to pay Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a million dollars per year and give him a loaded tour bus if he retires from the nation’s highest court.

The leftist comedian, who was accused online of trying to “bribe” Thomas, made the offer on Sunday night: “One million dollars a year for the rest of your life, if you simply agree to leave the Supreme Court immediately and never come back.”

“Clarence Thomas is arguably the most consequential justice on the court right now, and he’s never really seemed to like the job. He said, ‘It’s not worth doing for the grief.’ So, what if he can keep the luxury perks he clearly enjoys without having to endure all of that grief,” Oliver continued. “If you watch our show, you know jokes aren’t really our thing. This is real. A million dollars a year until you or I die.”

Oliver said that Thomas deserved a “break” from “the meanness of Washington so you can be surrounded by the regular folks whose lives you made demonstrably worse for decades.”

“The good news is, I think we can help you with that because since your favorite mode of travel might be in need of an upgrade, we are excited to offer you this brand new top-of-the-line cray boat marathon motor coach!” Oliver said of a multimillion-dollar tour bus that offered to give Thomas.

“So that’s the offer. $1 million a year, Clarence,” he continued. “And a brand new condo on wheels. And all you have to do to return is sign the contract and get the f*** off the Supreme Court. Talk it over with your totally best friend in the whole world. Because the clock starts now. Thirty days, Clarence. Let’s do this!”


“Get the f*ck off the Supreme Court!” John Oliver offers Clarence Thomas a luxury motor coach, and $1 million a year, to resign from the Supreme Court. (Video: HBO)

— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) February 19, 2024

Carrie Severino, president of the Judicial Crisis Network, posted a clip to X of remarks that Thomas made roughly a year and a half ago where he addressed his critics in left-wing media.


“One of the things I’d say in response to the media … especially early on, about the way I did my job, I said, ‘I will absolutely leave the court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours — and that was meant as a compliment, really,” Thomas laughed. “It really is getting to be mean.”


Justice Thomas to his critics in the media:

“I will absolutely leave the Court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours.”

— Carrie Severino (@JCNSeverino) February 20, 2024
