Matt Walsh Drops Exposé On ‘Sordid’ History Of WPATH, The Widely Accepted Trans Medical Org

Daily Wire host Matt Walsh posted an in-depth exposé Wednesday on the troubling past of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), a medical organization that creates the widely accepted “Standards of Care” for so-called transgender medicine.

Walsh revealed WPATH’s “sordid” history after the research group Environmental Progress analyzed hundreds of pages of internal posts and videos obtained by its founder, journalist Michael Shellenberger. The group’s findings on WPATH, which were unveiled in an X thread by Shellenberger earlier this week, show members of the trans medical organization discussing essentially experimenting on young people.

“WPATH — the organization that creates the widely accepted Standards of Care for ‘trans medicine’ — was a radical cult from the very beginning,” Walsh wrote.

“WPATH’s origin story traces back to a gender-confused, new-age, drug-addicted, lesbian rich kid named Rita Erickson, her prolific nudist friend, Zelda Suplee, and their Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF),” the Daily Wire host added.

1/🧵WPATH — the organization that creates the widely accepted Standards of Care for “trans medicine” — was a radical cult from the very beginning. Watch my full exposé into their sordid & untold history:

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 6, 2024

Walsh dives into the troubling history of how EEF helped “fund the people & organizations that became WPATH,” people such as Dr. Harry Benjamin, Dr. John Money, and Dr. Anne Lawrence. Later in his thread, Walsh reveals troubling details of each of these doctors and their practices.

Benjamin supported “vaginoplasties” to create fake vaginas on males, despite admitting that the procedure really creates “wounds” which could degrade and become “obliterated,” Walsh said. Money meanwhile encouraged twin boys, one of whom he was pushing to “transition,” to inspect each other’s genitals and engage in behavior resembling sexual intercourse, according to Walsh. One of the boys would later commit suicide and the other died of a drug overdose.

Lawrence, a man, “admits to having autogynephilia, a paraphilia where he is aroused by thinking of himself as a woman,” Walsh said. Lawrence also resigned from a hospital after he performed a genital exam on an unconscious woman, according to an incident report. Even after the incident, Lawrence remained active in WPATH’s “Standards of Care.”

“It’s time for the medical profession to do what it should have done long ago, and shut down these con artists before they hurt anyone else,” the Daily Wire host added.

WPATH — as recently as this year — acknowledged its beginning with the EEF and its connection to Benjamin. The Biden administration has also cited WPATH’s “Standards of Care” in its defense of gender surgeries on children and its support of using taxpayer dollars to pay for the life-altering procedures on minors.
