Whoopi Snaps At Trump, Says If He Touches Entitlements, ‘We Could Put You In Jail’

Whoopi Goldberg snapped at former President Donald Trump on Tuesday, claiming that if he touched entitlements, “we could put you in jail.”

Goldberg, who was responding to Trump’s recent remarks regarding how badly “mismanaged” entitlements have been in the past, made the comments on ABC’s midday talk show “The View.”


Whoopi tells Trump: “We could put you in jail” if you touch entitlements. pic.twitter.com/saYFz3r2Do

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) March 12, 2024

Goldberg began the segment with a clip of Trump giving a phone interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” where he lamented the poor management of entitlement programs in years past.

“The bad management, the tremendous bad management of entitlements, there’s tremendous amounts of things, number of things you can do,” Trump said, apparently suggesting entitlement reform in some fashion.

“Yeah, we could put you in jail — for all of your entitlements,” Goldberg said as the clip ended. “You know, Social Security is not an entitlement, we paid for that. We paid for that. Every time you get a check, you paid into the … you know, this is your money!”

Goldberg did not mention a whole host of other entitlements – including a litany of federal welfare programs — most of which provide funds, resources, or services to people who did not pay into the system in the way they would for Social Security.

According to Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt, Trump had been “talking about cutting waste, not entitlements,” CNN reported.


“President Trump delivered on his promise to protect Social Security and Medicare in his first term, and President Trump will continue to strongly protect Social Security and Medicare in his second term. The only candidate who poses a threat to Social Security and Medicare is Joe Biden,” Leavitt said.

“By unleashing American energy, slashing job-killing regulations, and adopting pro-growth America First tax and trade policies, President Trump will quickly rebuild the greatest economy in history and put Social Security and Medicare on a stronger footing for generations to come.”
